Sunday, 14 July 2013

Surprize Lizard....

Just when the mid summer flowering orchids are tailing off we have a Lizard Orchid.
Chris`s Flora records the last known sighting as 1953 in the Harlington/Sundon area.

While clearing an allotment some years ago the allotment holder noticed some unusual leaves. The clod of earth with the leaves were potted up to see what they were and taken home..the years passed...until this year when a flower spike emerged.

This splendid Orchid came from the Stotfold area and is in flower now. It is just possible that there may be overlooked plants in the area. If anyone fancies a walk of footpaths, grassy waste areas, road verges and chalky areas..perhaps the Blue could be rewarded with a lizard!..and instant fame.
If you like the smell of Billy Goat then you will like this  orchid! It can be very strong!
Good hunting!